Research Projects

zxczcxDeveloping students’ writing

Why is writing important? There are many reasons its important to develop students’ ability to write across the curriculum, here are just a few: in history, it gave humans the ability to store and retrieve ideas efficiently and accurately.   it is durable. It is steadfast and hardwearing. It is expected to be polished in …

zxczcxSeneca Test

Seneca Test

zxczcxOracy: Developing great listening

Learning to talk involves developing a pupil’s listening skills as well as spoken language. Attentive listening is a skill without which there can be a complete breakdown in communication in the classroom. As teachers we must explicitly model and teach this to pupils. Sinek says there are five types of listening. The minimum we should …

zxczcxOracy: Presentational Talk

Presentational talk enables pupils to learn to talk effectively, developing their spoken language in more formal situations such as a presentation or debate. Effective presentational talk can be guided by Voice 21 and Cambridge University’s framework that outlines 4 strands that make up good talk: physical, linguistic, cognitive and social and emotional elements. In order …

zxczcxOracy: Strategies to develop specific vocabulary (linguistic)

It is so important to develop pupils’ vocabulary. Alex Quigley states that pupils need to acquire over 50,000 words to access their GCSEs. Indeed, the EEF Literacy reports state that teachers must provide explicit vocabulary instruction in every subject, use effective approaches to help students remember new words and prioritise teaching tier 2 and 3 …