Research Projects

zxczcxScience of learning: Improving attention

Attention is limited and is all too easily lost. There will be times when it is hard for children to focus. The main limitations for a pupil when it comes to maintaining attention include: Capacity: a child’s capacity to focus it is not large and pupils are not able to process everything they sense at …

zxczcxScience of Learning: Theory of Information processing

The Theory of information processing helps us to understand how children learn. Info_processing_model There are 3 stages: Attention: This links to our focus and motivation to learn. Pupils are bombarded with new information from our environment and surroundings, as well as the content they must learn. This is an immediate effect and if pupils are …

zxczcxVocabulary: Tier 2 icons to support dual coding

It really helps pupils to understand a concept when it is presented in partnership with a connected visual. Based on the principle of dual coding this will help cement the word in the child’s mind. It will also help to attach the word with the image, therefore increasing the likelihood they will remember that term. …

zxczcxVocabulary: Top Tips for explicit instruction

In Beck and McKeown’s book (Beck et al., 2007) ‘Bringing word to life’ there is fantastic guidance in relation to explicit vocabulary instruction: 1.Introduce words through explanations in everyday connected language, rather than dictionary definitions 2.Provide several contexts in which the word can be used 3.Get students to interact with word meanings right away 4.Develop …

zxczcxVocabulary: Academic Word List (Tier 2)

The Academic Word List, developed by Averil Coxhead at Victoria University of Wellington, (Coxhead 2000) consists of 570 word ‘families’ commonly found in academic subject texts. Use this tool to identify academic vocabulary within extracts of text used within lessons. AWL look up tool   AWL_tool