Research Projects

zxczcxArt weekly Resources

January 2021 resources Week 1 click HERE Week 2 click HERE Week 3 click HERE Week 4 click HERE    

zxczcxFeedforward strategies: Using feedback to improve learning

In order for pupils to make progress, feedback should be more work for the recipient than the donor. (Dylan Wiliam) If feedback is to move pupils forward it can be helpful to reframe it as an instruction to do something: Rewrite: Pupils rewrite or add to parts of their work, sometimes by using a different …

zxczcxLive Feedback: Modelling

Provide live feedback to pupils can be hugely beneficial, whether this is done remotely or in the classroom via modelling. Evidence suggests pupils who know what success looks like have a goal. Goals can increase motivation and belief. (Locke and Latham, 2002) Furthermore cognitive science states that providing worked examples – models broken into steps …

zxczcxVerbal feedback: Say it again, better

A very simple strategy to get pupils to enhance the quality of their verbal response. Pose a question, invite a response, provide formative feedback, then request the pupil to “Say it again, better”. Then finally respond to the improve verbal response. Say it again better

zxczcxVerbal feedback: Cold calling

A strategy to increase pupil engagement in class discussion/questioning and ensure probing feedback to as many pupils as possible. Keep using feedback as a way of probing to gauge understanding; the focus is on “What have you understood” rather than “Have you understood” Further information here Cold calling