Research Projects

zxczcxOracy: What makes ‘good talk’

In order for pupils to talk effectively in the classroom, we must explicitly teach them how to talk well. Voice 21 and Cambridge University developed this framework to guide teachers with this process. Good_Talk_Oracy Cambridge It considers: Physical elements e.g. use of voice and body language Linguistic elements e.g. Choice of vocabulary and language used …

zxczcxScience of learning: Metacognition

Metacognition is a set of behaviours which maximise the potential for and efficacy of learning. A metacognitive learner is one who has control over their cognitive skills and processes and understands how learning happens. They are able to apply this understanding to help them learn more effectively. This then aids their lifelong learning skills. There …

zxczcxWhat strategies can be used to improve students’ Problem-Solving skills?

Rationale:   In the new Maths GCSE higher tier paper, 30% of marks include a problem-solving element.  In my experience, this is something students noticeably struggle with as they are unsure how to tackle this style of question.  However, problem-solving as a concept is far reaching.  The Education Endowment Foundation’s report, ‘Improving Maths at KS2 …

zxczcxHow can we challenge the “engagement myth” and increase motivation

Why did you decide to undertake this project? What was it designed to achieve? With a continued whole-school focus on praise and a personal interest that I had in this matter, engagement was an area that seemed necessary to focus on in relation to student well-being and outcomes. GCSE results showed that girls out perform boys by around 12% (5 GCSE’s of …

zxczcxScience of learning: Interleaving (Long-term memory)

Interleaving means revisiting or reinforcing previous topics and switching between ideas. Rather than teaching topics as stand-a-lone, practice is distributed across multiple episodes. Evidence suggests interleaving can support long-term memory in the following ways: Help pupils to see the links, similarities and differences between ideas more easily. Builds long-term memory since pupils are required to switch between …