Research Projects

zxczcxVocabulary: Word mats

Word mats can help pupils to uplevel the vocabulary they use when writing. It can provide alternative choices of words or simply provide prompts to challenge pupils to use more advanced vocabulary. Word mat Tables like the one below can help pupils to know how to improve the vocabulary used in their writing. Uplevel vocab …

zxczcxVocabulary: Quizlet

Quizlet is a versatile tool to help pupils familiarise themselves with new vocabulary and test themselves on it in different ways. It supports the teaching and repetition of Tier 3 vocabulary. Each vocabulary set that is created enables pupils to test themselves by hearing it, spelling it, writing it as well as games based learning …

zxczcxVocabulary: Making connections

In order to embed a depth of understanding this technique tests whether a pupil can make links between two words. Display a series of words and ask pupils to pair them up in whichever way they choose. They then must provide an explanation for their choice. Pupils demonstrate their acquisition of new vocabulary by identifying …

zxczcxVocabulary: Informed guesswork

Pupils are exposed to new vocabulary. They make an ‘informed guess’ as to what it could mean. They seek out the correct definition and then write their own definition to demonstrate understanding. Informed guesswork

zxczcxVocabulary: Frayer model

The Frayer model is a tool that can be used to aid explicit vocabulary instruction. Pupils are exposed to a new word, provided with an accurate definition and then must apply that word in different contexts. For example, word, definition, synonym, antonym. It can also be reinforced by adding an image that links to the …