
Live Feedback: Modelling

Provide live feedback to pupils can be hugely beneficial, whether this is done remotely or in the classroom via modelling. Evidence suggests pupils who know what success looks like have a goal. Goals can increase motivation and belief. (Locke and Latham, 2002) Furthermore cognitive science states that providing worked examples – models broken into steps …

Remote ‘teaching’: planning for and the evidence supporting it

In preparing for future remote learning it is important to draw from the evidence and our experiences so far. Below you will find various guides and strategies in order to plan most effectively for remote teaching to maximise engagement and learning. 1) The EEF published guidance in relation to effective remote learning. The full report …

Talking debate

This speaking framework is a great tool to help pupils develop the skill to argue and debate. It scaffolds dialogue to enable pupils to express themselves with clarity and justification, a really important 21st century skill. Talking debate

Watch me, help me, show me

A way of introducing new learning in 3 simple phases whilst also assessing pupil learning diagnostically (using mini whiteboards) prior to commencing the independent task to deepen understanding. Stage 1 – Watch me: Teacher models the new learning by demonstrating the process whilst facilitating pupil involvement. Stage 2 – Help me: Teacher models again the …

A story of…

Sometimes when a skill might be being assessed, the “answer” does not suffice, the journey a pupil takes is key. Pupils clearly outline each step of their approach to a question or answer they have constructed.This forces them to be concise in their explanations. This can be performed both verbally or in a written format and …


A strategy that works to generate ideas separate from discussion. Pupils write first, talk second. Pupils must try to think of all the possible solutions to a question/scenario. This can be done independently (and silently!) either on post it notes, on a template that is handed around or collaboratively using technology such as Keynote or pages. Pupils then …

Socratic Smackdown

This is a great strategy to get pupils to practise developing an argument, either independently or as a group. Pupils can earn points every time they use a strategies. Give pupils a topic, text or issue and a chance to prepare ideas before their discussion or written answer, which is scored by others. Socratic Smackdown discussion example Socratic …


Using the analogy of a tube map pupils try to justify and make links between topics, or additionally demonstrate how one thing leads to another. For each station on the journey another point must be made. See below for examples with and without scaffolding. Keynnections Keynnections scaffold    

Collaborative writing

The class collaborates to construct a model paragraph either using a visualizer, whiteboard, or airplay on the Ipad. Pupils identify assessment objectives evident in the piece of writing or success criteria where appropriate. Pupils can they reflect on their level of confidence, and therefore support required, to complete the next paragraph independently.

Rotation squares

Pupils compare essay plans in small groups. They then use the rotation square template and complete it to plan out a paragraph. Pupils can construct this together. These can also be handed around the room or used as a carousel so pupils complete different parts of the paragraph. Pupils can collaborate to construct the perfect …