Tag - AFL

Tweet a tip

Get the pupils to compose a tweet in less than 20 words to sum up what they have learnt. Include a # to sum up a catchy phrase! Twitter

Topic Tennis

Select a topic and say go. Pupils are in pairs and have to say a related term to that topic and continue until their partner cannot go. You can use the scoring of tennis e.g. 15, deuce or just score one point each time. Topic tennis


An app where students can share their understanding by answering formative assessment questions in a variety of formats: quizzes, quick question polls, exit tickets and space races.  

Questioning to address misconceptions

A simple but effective cue card with 7 steps to use when a child provides a wrong answer. Take the time to explore that aspect further by prompting them and cueing them. Addressing misconceptions

Rally coach

This activity works best when it is used in pairs so that the children can hear different explanations and solutions to problems. The activity lets children hear the vocabulary used for each topic and helps them see they can approach tasks in different ways and still get the same answer. It can also be used …

Reciprocal teaching

Where students become the teacher in small groups. Students participate in group discussions either to consider new content or revise old content. Each child has a role to play that focuses on demonstrating different strategies: summarising, question generating, clarifying, and predicting. Reciprocal Teaching

Learning Tools

An AFL tool that allows students to clearly show you where they are at in their learning. Includes traffic lights, target setting, true or false and an English checklist that allows students to check their own work for grammar, punctuation etc. Click here to download. Ways to use Learning tools in your teaching Draw a …

Marking codes

Pupils have their writing/work returned with feedback indicated using a marking code. Pupils write What Went Well and Even Better If to respond to this. Saves time lost through teacher providing repeated feedback, and pupils engage more with feedback. Can be used for peer and self-assessment.

Feedback stickers

Create and print mark schemes and common targets on stickers to enable quick self and peer assessment. Saves the teacher time and it is a great way to train the children in becoming more accurate with marking their work.

Feedback tennis

Conversation prompts to initiate and scaffold peer discussion regarding feedback. Can be conducted in pairs or as a group, there are prompt cards provided to help instigate discussion. Points can be awarded too, similar to a game of tennis.