Vocabulary: Informed guesswork
Pupils are exposed to new vocabulary. They make an ‘informed guess’ as to what it could mean. They seek out the correct definition and then write their own definition to demonstrate understanding. Informed guesswork
Pupils are exposed to new vocabulary. They make an ‘informed guess’ as to what it could mean. They seek out the correct definition and then write their own definition to demonstrate understanding. Informed guesswork
The Frayer model is a tool that can be used to aid explicit vocabulary instruction. Pupils are exposed to a new word, provided with an accurate definition and then must apply that word in different contexts. For example, word, definition, synonym, antonym. It can also be reinforced by adding an image that links to the …
Evidence suggests peer collaboration really motivates pupils, especially when learning remotely. Brindley, Laschke and Walti 2009 state that: “There is a significant relationship between participation in small group collaboration experiences and deeper learning. Peer collaboration aids the development of learning and teamwork skills. It can increase a sense of community, closely linked to learner satisfaction and …
In order for pupils to make progress, feedback should be more work for the recipient than the donor. (Dylan Wiliam) If feedback is to move pupils forward it can be helpful to reframe it as an instruction to do something: Rewrite: Pupils rewrite or add to parts of their work, sometimes by using a different …
Provide live feedback to pupils can be hugely beneficial, whether this is done remotely or in the classroom via modelling. Evidence suggests pupils who know what success looks like have a goal. Goals can increase motivation and belief. (Locke and Latham, 2002) Furthermore cognitive science states that providing worked examples – models broken into steps …
A very simple strategy to get pupils to enhance the quality of their verbal response. Pose a question, invite a response, provide formative feedback, then request the pupil to “Say it again, better”. Then finally respond to the improve verbal response. Say it again better
A strategy to increase pupil engagement in class discussion/questioning and ensure probing feedback to as many pupils as possible. Keep using feedback as a way of probing to gauge understanding; the focus is on “What have you understood” rather than “Have you understood” Further information here Cold calling
A version of collective feedback where a small group of pupils collectively critique their work via small group dialogue. They offer one another suggestions or advice about how to improve. This may need to first be modelled by the teacher before moving to ‘gallery’ sessions. Click here for guidance how to implement this technique. Class …
Pupils can find the experience of remote learning quite daunting especially when ‘interacting’ with peers online or having to participate during live lessons. The research suggests peer interaction is important to motivate, but we also know how important it is as a teacher to direct and engage pupils when teaching. Below you can find some …
In preparing for future remote learning it is important to draw from the evidence and our experiences so far. Below you will find various guides and strategies in order to plan most effectively for remote teaching to maximise engagement and learning. 1) The EEF published guidance in relation to effective remote learning. The full report …