Tag - AFL

My favourite no

Pupils have to complete some short questions at the start of the lesson on either post it notes or small cards. The teacher collects them in and quickly creates two piles of correct and incorrect answers. Using a visualiser a couple of these are shared to celebrate the strong responses, whilst also celebrating the mistakes …

Misconception plenary

Plenary activity where 4 answers are displayed on the board. Pupils are asked which answer reflective of a question, for example which answer is equivalent to 320 x 100. A discussion ensues surrounding these 4 answers where the children have to decide which is a true reflection, why, and why the wrong answers are wrong. …

Post it plus

Use the post it plus app to take images of pupils’ targets, save them and drag and drop to sort their comments into effective feedback, and less effective feedback. A great feedback training tool.

Post it targets

Simple yet effective, once pupils have reflected on their work and written their next steps/targets on post it notes they stick it somewhere in the room for next time. When pupils return for the next lesson they simply collect their previous post it note from the place they left it and address their target, ensuring …


Use these passport style assessment templates to encourage pupils to reflect on their work as they progress and set meaningful targets.

Editing tabs

Pupils improve an aspect of their work/paragraph and refine work overlaying or redoing the original work with a piece of paper. Alternatively focus on an aspect of writing identified by a coloured box that they have to edit and improve.

Train students as markers

With the pupils break down a mark scheme/answer so they understand the language. Pupils then focus in on one skill area or assessment objective (that they have expertise in) and become expert markers in that. They then mark other pupils work just for that one aspect and provide constructive feedback.

Think, pair, share

On mini-white boards or post its, pupils have 1 minute on their own to write down two things learnt (last lesson or this lesson). Then in pairs, they have 1 minute to make it 4 things. Then two pairs combine and have to make it 8 things. This could also be used to generate ideas …

Technology: Its impact on feedback and progress

Why did you decide to undertake this project? What was it designed to achieve/what issue were you looking to address? We are in an era where technology is becoming an inextricable part of our everyday lives. The students we teach will soon go into jobs that don’t yet exist and use technologies that haven’t yet …

Maximising the effectiveness of feedback

Why did you decide to undertake this project? What was it designed to achieve? The importance of feedback in the classroom has long been recognised; it is an inherent part of what we do day in and day out to ensure our students make progress. One study which really demonstrates the power of feedback is …