Author archives

AfL pit stops

An approach to AfL that focuses on trying to ensure pupils have to think more deeply regarding their responses. Where they have to justify why they have chosen or rejected certain statements. Additionally asked which is correct when there are no correct answers to ensure they can fully explain and justify why. AfL_pitstops

Thinking outside the box

A technique that encourages pupils to initially consider the obvious answers or low tariff responses to a question. Then they are challenged to think ‘outside the box’. For example: greater depth more interesting vocabulary an alternative perspective critical analysis links to other topics. Secondary_MATINSET130319_thinkoutsidebox An alternative strategy is to use this as a partner talk …

Same surface different depth (SSDD)

An approach to designing more challenging tasks so the problem seems similar on the surface but has different depth/context. Pupils learn the similarities/differences between problems. Pupils have to think hard to consider the problem/task from different perspectives, and identify the knowledge needed to solve the problem. Secondary_MATINSET130319_SSDD

Think hard questions

John Hattie states the art of great teaching is knowing when to go from surface to deep learning i.e. moving from knowing ‘stuff’ to being able to link ‘the stuff’ together and use it to solve more complex problems.  One strategy to use is think hard questions where teachers consider the most challenging content prior to …


A strategy aimed to help children get better at planning their responses to a question. They use the template to consider all the possible responses to a question before weighing up the relative significance of each point. They then draw an arrow on the gauge to reflect which point they felt was the strongest to …

Secret Teacher

A strategy aimed at challenging students to take on an additional roles in the lesson or during homework to impart more challenging content anonymously! There are 3 main ways this strategy can be used: 1. Provide them with additional challenging information to teach ‘secretly’ to their peers in a group (Pre teaching) 2. Get them …

In the news

Introduce current affairs into your lessons. Provide articles, videos or documentaries for pupils to read and discuss, or ask pupils to find these themselves. Then encourage pupils to pose their thoughts collectively to discuss and debate the issue further. Pupils can to upload their thoughts using padlet or pearltrees for the class to easily access. Click here for …

The big question debate

Encourage and facilitate open debates with pupils. This gets them thinking and encourages them to apply their knowledge and make links to the wider world. It can also encourage pupils to develop their reasoning skills, and equips them to better cope with unforeseen questions. Click here for some examples Big question debate

Passion projects

Whet pupils’ appetite for a topic or subject area by allowing them time and choice over independently studying an area of interest. It could be not something covered by the curriculum or specification, but something they care about or are interested in. Then let them teach the class! Click here for some ideas Passion projects

WOW starters

Create curiosity and awe for your subject areas at the beginning of lessons using WOW starters. Posing open and thought provoking questions to get pupils thinking or drawing links between topics. Wow starters