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Socratic Smackdown

This is a great strategy to get pupils to practise developing an argument, either independently or as a group. Pupils can earn points every time they use a strategies. Give pupils a topic, text or issue and a chance to prepare ideas before their discussion or written answer, which is scored by others. Socratic Smackdown discussion example Socratic …

Target tokens

Students pose a target after having self/peer assessed their work at the end of the lesson. (These could be recorded on padlet) At the start of the next students select relevant target token to focus on, take one and place it next to them whilst working to focus their efforts on addressing that particular aspect. Teacher/peer feedback conversations …

Double, triple, quadruple feedback

A simple feedback tool that encourages collaboration when it comes to peer assessment. Provide students with a 4 box feedback grid and get them to compare work, then provide one another with feedback from 4 different peers. This can be varied by focusing on a particular skill or assessment objective, or by suggesting 4 different …

Delayed marking

Such a simple concept that is both time saving for teachers, yet informative for students. Set an assessment/test/homework and return it to the students with feedback but no marks or grades, just comments, questions posed or circled aspects to focus on. Give students time to act on the feedback before giving them results.  

Uplifting learning

Maximise simple opportunities to enable students to ‘uplift’ or improve targeted aspects of their work or skills. Encourage them to ‘steal’ ideas from others, also to celebrate and share their strengths purposefully. Please see examples below for variations. Uplifting learning  

Critical buddies

This concept is based on the principle that giving peer feedback is more productive than receiving it because it is more cognitively engaging. Students are trained to provide constructive critique to peers. Partnerships are based on strengths, areas for developments, NOT friendship groups, NOT who they usually work with. Critical buddies can be grouped (2 pairs …

Common misconceptions

Invent and embed easy to use systems so that common misconceptions are shared to the whole class and given students the opportunity to take ownership for addressing them. (either individually or as a class) Common misconceptions

Tackling targets

Use various ways to create opportunities for students to reflect on their learning and targets over time. Some of these simple visuals, charts and walls can helps how students which aspects of their learning are strengths and which are areas for further focus. Target Setting Wall GCSE skills Visual targets

Target language cards/chatty mats

Use these cards to reward children for using target language within MFL lessons or just for subject specific vocabulary. Additionally chatty mats can contain regularly used phrases and sentence starters to help students feel more confident in articulating their learning in class. Target Language cards

Talk like an expert – generic

Use this version of talk like an expert to develop students’ oracy and assess their accuracy as well as spelling of key words. Talk like an expert Language for Learning