Digital Learning


“Simply put, we can’t keep preparing children for a world that doesn’t exist.”

Cathy N Davidson


It is important to equip our students with the 21st Century skills they need to be successful: Creativity, Collaboration, Critical thinking, Communication.

We created a Core apps wheel of 13 apps that can help develop these skills. The 3 central apps should be used regularly as they allow students to present their work, research independently and communicate their understanding. The outer ring are apps that have been identified as ways to transform our teaching, ensuring our students are inspired, creative and empowered.

At SJB we have also reflected on Dr. Ruben Puentedura’s SAMR model that supports teachers with how to use digital learning to transform teaching (rather than using it to substitute a pen and paper.)

Click to view a recent presentation that demonstrates ways to incorporate 21st Century skills into lessons through the use of the SAMR model (Starbucks analogy by Sara Brosious)

Click on the app  icons below to find out more about each one.



Learning Tools
QR Reader
 Apple Clips
  Pearl Trees