Engaging students in ‘live’ feedback sessions

One of our schools has been sharing ideas about how to get pupils to engage more, or be more active during ‘live’ feedback sessions on Teams. Here are some of the ideas that were shared and some examples:

1) Putting starter questions for the pupils to engage with and get thinking whilst others are joining the session click Live starter qs for an example, and here for a progressive starter Progressive starter MFL

2) Using a Hexagon task to pose an open question to get pupils to engage with learning, explore links between topics and answer in an open ended manner.

3) Comparative judgement: Pupils are sent a markscheme in advance and examples of work to assess and compare in rank order. The start of the meeting is to discuss a class comparative judgement of these pieces of work, picking out aspects that are particular strengths or areas to improve, in order to inform pupils’ own learning.Comparative judgement

4) Pre task padlet: pose a question to the pupils using padlet, they answer it ahead of the feedback session so there is something to discuss at the start and misconceptions can be easily spotted and addressed.Pre task padlet

5) Pre task reading & questions: Posing reading, podcasts or videos to watch with questions to be discussed in advance for pupils to prepare. This will increase engagement and encourage them to participate in the live session as they have the questions in advance. Pre task reading_discussion

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